TIDE: GME’s workshop – presentation of the procedure for blank tests with participants in the Electricity Market and on the Forward Account Registration Platform (PCE) – webinar
Workshop - 14/10/2024
TIDE: GME’s workshop – presentation of the procedure for blank tests with participants in the Electricity Market and on the Forward Account Registration Platform (PCE) – webinar
Further to its communication of 9 September 2024 , GME is sending the agenda for the webinar to be held on 14 October at 10:30.
Registrations for the webinar – organised on the Microsoft Teams platform – will be accepted until 12:00 on 11 October 2024 at the latest.
Access to the platform will be granted only after registration by filling in the appropriate online form.
The technical details for participating in the webinar will be provided to registered participants.
Webinar with Market Participants
Monday, 14 October 2024
Time | Presentation | Speaker/s |
10:30 – 10:45 | Presentation by a representative of Arera | M. Pasquadibisceglie |
10:45 - 11:15 | Presentations by representatives of Gme | F. Carboni, S. Alaimo, GME |
11:15 – 12:15 | Changes to GME’s digital platforms: blank tests with market participants on the ME and PCE | A. Petti, M. Pession, GME |
12:15 – 13:00 | Q&A | GME |
Workshop: the pilot project Romeflex and the local flexibility market
Integration of the Electricity Market with the European Single Intra-Day Coupling and new MI-MSD coordination rules - workshop with operators
Rome - 05/03/2021
Integration of the Electricity Market with the European Single Intra-Day Coupling and new MI-MSD coordination rules - workshop with operators
With reference to the operational integration of the national electricity market into the European Single Intra-Day Coupling (SIDC), we announce that GME and TERNA, with the participation of the Ministry and the Regulatory Authority for Energy and Environment (ARERA), will hold, next 5 March 2021 2.30 pm, a workshop in the form of a webinar with operators, during which changes to the electricity market trading model will be illustrated, as well as the new coordination rules between the Intra-day Market (IM) and the Dispatching Services Market (DSM), functional to the operational go-live of the XBID project and the complementary intra-day auctions (CRIDA) within the national electricity market.
During the workshop, information will also be provided regarding how to carry out:
- the blank tests that GME will organize with operators, regarding the new functions on the electricity market for the integration of the XBID and CRIDA projects;
- the blank tests, organised by TERNA, regarding changes to the systems used by Dispatching Users.
Please note that registrations for the workshop - organised through the Microsoft Teams system - will be accepted until 3 March 2021.
Due to the limited number of spaces, participation in the workshop will be restricted to only one person per company.
Access will only be permitted after registration, by filling in the appropriate online form.
Technical details for participation will be provided to registered parties.
Workshop with operators
Friday March 5th, 2021
Schedule | Intervention | Presenter |
14:30 - 14:45 | Ministry Representative speech | A. M. Felici |
14:45 - 15:00 | ARERA Representative speech | A. Galliani |
15:00 - 15:45 | Intra-day coupling: the new market model | S. Alaimo F. Carboni GME |
15:45 - 16:40 | The role of the TSO in the new MI model and the new MI-MSD coordination rules | P. Fanelli A. Deodati B. D’Elia TERNA |
16:40 - 17:10 | Presentation of the blank tests with operators | A. Petti M. Pession GME |
17:10 - 17:30 | Modifications to the systems used by the Dispatching Users and the related blank tests | A. Di Girolamo TERNA |
17:30 - 18:15 | Q&A Session | GME/TERNA/ ARERA/Ministry |
18:15 - 18:30 | Closing | GME/TERNA |
Rome - 05/03/2021
Integration of the Electricity Market with the European Single Intra-Day Coupling and new MI-MSD coordination rules - workshop with operators
With reference to the operational integration of the national electricity market into the European Single Intra-Day Coupling (SIDC), we announce that GME and TERNA, with the participation of the Ministry and the Regulatory Authority for Energy and Environment (ARERA), will hold, next 5 March 2021 2.30 pm, a workshop in the form of a webinar with operators, during which changes to the electricity market trading model will be illustrated, as well as the new coordination rules between the Intra-day Market (IM) and the Dispatching Services Market (DSM), functional to the operational go-live of the XBID project and the complementary intra-day auctions (CRIDA) within the national electricity market.
During the workshop, information will also be provided regarding how to carry out:
- the blank tests that GME will organize with operators, regarding the new functions on the electricity market for the integration of the XBID and CRIDA projects;
- the blank tests, organised by TERNA, regarding changes to the systems used by Dispatching Users.
Please note that registrations for the workshop - organised through the Microsoft Teams system - will be accepted until 3 March 2021.
Due to the limited number of spaces, participation in the workshop will be restricted to only one person per company.
Access will only be permitted after registration, by filling in the appropriate online form.
Technical details for participation will be provided to registered parties.
Workshop with operators
Friday March 5th, 2021
Schedule | Intervention | Presenter |
14:30 - 14:45 | Ministry Representative speech | A. M. Felici |
14:45 - 15:00 | ARERA Representative speech | A. Galliani |
15:00 - 15:45 | Intra-day coupling: the new market model | S. Alaimo F. Carboni GME |
15:45 - 16:40 | The role of the TSO in the new MI model and the new MI-MSD coordination rules | P. Fanelli A. Deodati B. D’Elia TERNA |
16:40 - 17:10 | Presentation of the blank tests with operators | A. Petti M. Pession GME |
17:10 - 17:30 | Modifications to the systems used by the Dispatching Users and the related blank tests | A. Di Girolamo TERNA |
17:30 - 18:15 | Q&A Session | GME/TERNA/ ARERA/Ministry |
18:15 - 18:30 | Closing | GME/TERNA |
Launch of the new fully-operating gas balancing system – meeting with operators
Roma - 10/02/2017
Launch of the new fully-operating gas balancing system – meeting with operators
Given the change to the new fully-operating balance structure prescribed by AEEGSI’s decision 312/2016/R/GAS dated 16 June 2016, subject “Balance of gas, realised by the Guidelines (UE) 312/2014, and following Consultation of GME’s DCO 6/2016, GME is organizing on 2 March at 10:00, at the Centro Congressi Events Rome– Piazza Pilotta 4, Rome – an event which is directed to all personnel involved to illustrate the new articles of the gas market (MGAS) and all operations aspects necessary to the change to the fully-operating balance structure.
The program of the event is listed below.
Participation is free and requires registration by filling the online form.
Launch of the new fully-operating balancing system
Rome, 2 March 2017
Loyola Conference Room
10.00 | Welcome coffee |
10.30 | Greetings |
10.40 | New Balance of Gas structure: results of transitory phase and the innovations of the fully-operating phase |
11.00 | Guidelines and participation procedures |
11.20 | The system of guarantees on the fully-operating balance system |
11.40 | The invoicing and payments processes on the fully-operating balance system |
12.00 | The participation process for tests |
12.10 | Question time |
Roma - 10/02/2017
Launch of the new fully-operating gas balancing system – meeting with operators
Given the change to the new fully-operating balance structure prescribed by AEEGSI’s decision 312/2016/R/GAS dated 16 June 2016, subject “Balance of gas, realised by the Guidelines (UE) 312/2014, and following Consultation of GME’s DCO 6/2016, GME is organizing on 2 March at 10:00, at the Centro Congressi Events Rome– Piazza Pilotta 4, Rome – an event which is directed to all personnel involved to illustrate the new articles of the gas market (MGAS) and all operations aspects necessary to the change to the fully-operating balance structure.
The program of the event is listed below.
Participation is free and requires registration by filling the online form.
Launch of the new fully-operating balancing system
Rome, 2 March 2017
Loyola Conference Room
10.00 | Welcome coffee |
10.30 | Greetings |
10.40 | New Balance of Gas structure: results of transitory phase and the innovations of the fully-operating phase |
11.00 | Guidelines and participation procedures |
11.20 | The system of guarantees on the fully-operating balance system |
11.40 | The invoicing and payments processes on the fully-operating balance system |
12.00 | The participation process for tests |
12.10 | Question time |
Roma - 10/02/2017
Launch of the new fully-operating gas balancing system – meeting with operators
Given the change to the new fully-operating balance structure prescribed by AEEGSI’s decision 312/2016/R/GAS dated 16 June 2016, subject “Balance of gas, realised by the Guidelines (UE) 312/2014, and following Consultation of GME’s DCO 6/2016, GME is organizing on 2 March at 10:00, at the Centro Congressi Events Rome– Piazza Pilotta 4, Rome – an event which is directed to all personnel involved to illustrate the new articles of the gas market (MGAS) and all operations aspects necessary to the change to the fully-operating balance structure.
The program of the event is listed below.
Participation is free and requires registration by filling the online form.
Launch of the new fully-operating balancing system
Rome, 2 March 2017
Loyola Conference Room
10.00 | Welcome coffee |
10.30 | Greetings |
10.40 | New Balance of Gas structure: results of transitory phase and the innovations of the fully-operating phase |
11.00 | Guidelines and participation procedures |
11.20 | The system of guarantees on the fully-operating balance system |
11.40 | The invoicing and payments processes on the fully-operating balance system |
12.00 | The participation process for tests |
12.10 | Question time |
Listing of new daily products on the Electricity Market - meeting with Market Participants: agenda
Roma - 17/05/2016
Listing of new daily products on the Electricity Market - meeting with Market Participants: agenda
Following the DCO no. 01/2016, GME informs that it will organize in Rome on May 17, 2016 at 10 AM, at the Centro Congressi Roma Eventi - Piazza Pilotta 4, Rome - a meeting addressed to the Market Participants concerned to expound the method of negotiating new daily products within the new structure of the Electricity Market.
The meeting agenda is shown below.
Participation is free and requires registration by filling out the online form.
Listing of new products on the Electricity Market
Rome, May 17, 2016
Loyola Room
10 AM | Welcome coffee |
10.30 AM | Greetings Prof. Pietro Putti, President and CEO, Gestore dei Mercati Energetici – GME |
10.40 AM | The European integration of energy markets and new daily products Stefano Alaimo, Markets Dept. Head The listing of new daily products: operational aspects Fabrizio Carboni, Markets Dept. |
11.20 AM | The guarantee system of new daily products Elena Chiarello, Administration, Finance and Control Dept. Invoice and payments of new daily products Marco Temerario, Administration, Finance and Control Dept. |
12.00 PM | Question time |
Roma - 17/05/2016
Listing of new daily products on the Electricity Market - meeting with Market Participants: agenda
Following the DCO no. 01/2016, GME informs that it will organize in Rome on May 17, 2016 at 10 AM, at the Centro Congressi Roma Eventi - Piazza Pilotta 4, Rome - a meeting addressed to the Market Participants concerned to expound the method of negotiating new daily products within the new structure of the Electricity Market.
The meeting agenda is shown below.
Participation is free and requires registration by filling out the online form.
Listing of new products on the Electricity Market
Rome, May 17, 2016
Loyola Room
10 AM | Welcome coffee |
10.30 AM | Greetings Prof. Pietro Putti, President and CEO, Gestore dei Mercati Energetici – GME |
10.40 AM | The European integration of energy markets and new daily products Stefano Alaimo, Markets Dept. Head The listing of new daily products: operational aspects Fabrizio Carboni, Markets Dept. |
11.20 AM | The guarantee system of new daily products Elena Chiarello, Administration, Finance and Control Dept. Invoice and payments of new daily products Marco Temerario, Administration, Finance and Control Dept. |
12.00 PM | Question time |
Meeting of operators
Rome - 13/01/2016
Meeting of operators
Changing of the invoicing and payment timing on the day-ahead market (MGP), the intra-day market (MI) and the Electricity Account Trading Platform (PCE) and meeting with the Market Participant
Centro congressi Roma Eventi
P.zza della Pilotta 4,
00187 Roma
Wednesday 27 January 2016
h 10:00
At 10.00 AM | Welcome coffee | |
At 10.30 AM | Greetings Massimo Ricci, President and CEO, Gestore dei Mercati Energetici - GME | |
At 10.40 AM | New methods and timing of payment Marco Temerario, Administration, Finance and Control Dept. - Gestore dei Mercati Energetici - GME | |
At 11.00 AM | New methods and timing of invoicing Chiara Mordanini, Administration, Finance and Control Dept. -Gestore dei Mercati Energetici – GME | |
At 11.15 AM | Question time | |
Presentation of GME's Annual Report 2013
Rome - 10/06/2014
Presentation of GME's Annual Report 2013
Gestore dei Mercati Energetici S.p.A. (GME) presented its Annual Report 2013. The event of presentation of GME’s Annual Report traditionally convenes and provides opportunities for debate among institutions, market participants, companies of the sector and consumers.
This year’s Round Table has been focused on the analysis of issues arising from the implementation of REMIT within regulated markets, with the contribution of representatives from the leading European exchanges.
Programme 09:30 | Registration and Welcome Coffee | 10:00 | Massimo RICCI (GME, Chairman and CEO) - Introduction | 10:15 | Cosimo CAMPIDOGLIO (GME, Head of MS) - Presentation of GME’s Annual Report 2013 | 10:45 | Alberto POTOTSCHNIG (ACER, Director) - Status of REMIT implementation at ACER and throughout the EU | Round Table Remit and Market Surveillance | | Chairperson: Clara POLETTI (AEEGSI -Electricity, Gas and Water System Regulator, Director of Regulation Department) | 11:15 | Cosimo CAMPIDOGLIO (GME, Head of MS) - MS at GME: focus on structuring a transversal process | 11:30 | Florence VARY (EPEXSPOT, Head of MS) - MS at EPEXSPOT: focus on VAT frauds on power markets | 11:45 | Christian Johan GISWOLD (NPS, Market Surveillance Adviser) – MS at NPS: focus on insider trading on spot power markets | 12:00 | Marcel SCHIELE (EEX, Market Surveillance) – MS at EEX: focus on market manipulations on forward power markets | Conclusions | | 12:15 | Guido BORTONI (AEEGSI -Electricity, Gas and Water System Regulator, Chairman) – Status and perspectives from the Italian market | 12:45 | Questions from the audience |
Rome - 10/06/2014
Presentation of GME's Annual Report 2013
Gestore dei Mercati Energetici S.p.A. (GME) presented its Annual Report 2013. The event of presentation of GME’s Annual Report traditionally convenes and provides opportunities for debate among institutions, market participants, companies of the sector and consumers.
This year’s Round Table has been focused on the analysis of issues arising from the implementation of REMIT within regulated markets, with the contribution of representatives from the leading European exchanges.
Programme 09:30 | Registration and Welcome Coffee | 10:00 | Massimo RICCI (GME, Chairman and CEO) - Introduction | 10:15 | Cosimo CAMPIDOGLIO (GME, Head of MS) - Presentation of GME’s Annual Report 2013 | 10:45 | Alberto POTOTSCHNIG (ACER, Director) - Status of REMIT implementation at ACER and throughout the EU | Round Table Remit and Market Surveillance | | Chairperson: Clara POLETTI (AEEGSI -Electricity, Gas and Water System Regulator, Director of Regulation Department) | 11:15 | Cosimo CAMPIDOGLIO (GME, Head of MS) - MS at GME: focus on structuring a transversal process | 11:30 | Florence VARY (EPEXSPOT, Head of MS) - MS at EPEXSPOT: focus on VAT frauds on power markets | 11:45 | Christian Johan GISWOLD (NPS, Market Surveillance Adviser) – MS at NPS: focus on insider trading on spot power markets | 12:00 | Marcel SCHIELE (EEX, Market Surveillance) – MS at EEX: focus on market manipulations on forward power markets | Conclusions | | 12:15 | Guido BORTONI (AEEGSI -Electricity, Gas and Water System Regulator, Chairman) – Status and perspectives from the Italian market | 12:45 | Questions from the audience |
Rome - 10/06/2014
Presentation of GME's Annual Report 2013
Gestore dei Mercati Energetici S.p.A. (GME) presented its Annual Report 2013. The event of presentation of GME’s Annual Report traditionally convenes and provides opportunities for debate among institutions, market participants, companies of the sector and consumers.
This year’s Round Table has been focused on the analysis of issues arising from the implementation of REMIT within regulated markets, with the contribution of representatives from the leading European exchanges.
Programme 09:30 | Registration and Welcome Coffee | 10:00 | Massimo RICCI (GME, Chairman and CEO) - Introduction | 10:15 | Cosimo CAMPIDOGLIO (GME, Head of MS) - Presentation of GME’s Annual Report 2013 | 10:45 | Alberto POTOTSCHNIG (ACER, Director) - Status of REMIT implementation at ACER and throughout the EU | Round Table Remit and Market Surveillance | | Chairperson: Clara POLETTI (AEEGSI -Electricity, Gas and Water System Regulator, Director of Regulation Department) | 11:15 | Cosimo CAMPIDOGLIO (GME, Head of MS) - MS at GME: focus on structuring a transversal process | 11:30 | Florence VARY (EPEXSPOT, Head of MS) - MS at EPEXSPOT: focus on VAT frauds on power markets | 11:45 | Christian Johan GISWOLD (NPS, Market Surveillance Adviser) – MS at NPS: focus on insider trading on spot power markets | 12:00 | Marcel SCHIELE (EEX, Market Surveillance) – MS at EEX: focus on market manipulations on forward power markets | Conclusions | | 12:15 | Guido BORTONI (AEEGSI -Electricity, Gas and Water System Regulator, Chairman) – Status and perspectives from the Italian market | 12:45 | Questions from the audience |
Rome - 10/06/2014
Presentation of GME's Annual Report 2013
Gestore dei Mercati Energetici S.p.A. (GME) presented its Annual Report 2013. The event of presentation of GME’s Annual Report traditionally convenes and provides opportunities for debate among institutions, market participants, companies of the sector and consumers.
This year’s Round Table has been focused on the analysis of issues arising from the implementation of REMIT within regulated markets, with the contribution of representatives from the leading European exchanges.
Programme 09:30 | Registration and Welcome Coffee | 10:00 | Massimo RICCI (GME, Chairman and CEO) - Introduction | 10:15 | Cosimo CAMPIDOGLIO (GME, Head of MS) - Presentation of GME’s Annual Report 2013 | 10:45 | Alberto POTOTSCHNIG (ACER, Director) - Status of REMIT implementation at ACER and throughout the EU | Round Table Remit and Market Surveillance | | Chairperson: Clara POLETTI (AEEGSI -Electricity, Gas and Water System Regulator, Director of Regulation Department) | 11:15 | Cosimo CAMPIDOGLIO (GME, Head of MS) - MS at GME: focus on structuring a transversal process | 11:30 | Florence VARY (EPEXSPOT, Head of MS) - MS at EPEXSPOT: focus on VAT frauds on power markets | 11:45 | Christian Johan GISWOLD (NPS, Market Surveillance Adviser) – MS at NPS: focus on insider trading on spot power markets | 12:00 | Marcel SCHIELE (EEX, Market Surveillance) – MS at EEX: focus on market manipulations on forward power markets | Conclusions | | 12:15 | Guido BORTONI (AEEGSI -Electricity, Gas and Water System Regulator, Chairman) – Status and perspectives from the Italian market | 12:45 | Questions from the audience |
Rome - 10/06/2014
Presentation of GME's Annual Report 2013
Gestore dei Mercati Energetici S.p.A. (GME) presented its Annual Report 2013. The event of presentation of GME’s Annual Report traditionally convenes and provides opportunities for debate among institutions, market participants, companies of the sector and consumers.
This year’s Round Table has been focused on the analysis of issues arising from the implementation of REMIT within regulated markets, with the contribution of representatives from the leading European exchanges.
Programme 09:30 | Registration and Welcome Coffee | 10:00 | Massimo RICCI (GME, Chairman and CEO) - Introduction | 10:15 | Cosimo CAMPIDOGLIO (GME, Head of MS) - Presentation of GME’s Annual Report 2013 | 10:45 | Alberto POTOTSCHNIG (ACER, Director) - Status of REMIT implementation at ACER and throughout the EU | Round Table Remit and Market Surveillance | | Chairperson: Clara POLETTI (AEEGSI -Electricity, Gas and Water System Regulator, Director of Regulation Department) | 11:15 | Cosimo CAMPIDOGLIO (GME, Head of MS) - MS at GME: focus on structuring a transversal process | 11:30 | Florence VARY (EPEXSPOT, Head of MS) - MS at EPEXSPOT: focus on VAT frauds on power markets | 11:45 | Christian Johan GISWOLD (NPS, Market Surveillance Adviser) – MS at NPS: focus on insider trading on spot power markets | 12:00 | Marcel SCHIELE (EEX, Market Surveillance) – MS at EEX: focus on market manipulations on forward power markets | Conclusions | | 12:15 | Guido BORTONI (AEEGSI -Electricity, Gas and Water System Regulator, Chairman) – Status and perspectives from the Italian market | 12:45 | Questions from the audience |
Presentation of GME's Annual Report 2012
Rome - 25/06/2013
Presentation of GME's Annual Report 2012

Gestore dei Mercati Energetici S.p.A. (GME) presented its Annual Report 2012, on 10 July 2013, at 10:00 attended by leading figures in the energy sector.
Ore 09:30 | Registration and welcome coffee |
Ore 10:00 | Opening remarks Massimo Ricci (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, GME) |
Ore 10:05 | Presentation of GME’s Annual Report 2012 Cosimo Campidoglio (Director - Research, Development and Market Monitoring, GME) |
Ore 10:40 | Competitiveness, infrastructure and new European rules Sergio Ascari (Consultant, REF-E) |
ore 11.00 | The Italian market seen from Europe Patrick Heather (Independent Consultant & Senior Research Fellow, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies PHCL) |
Round Table The gas market: Italian, European or global?
Chairman: Arnaldo Orlandini (CEO, AF Mercados EMI EUROPE)
Stuart Jones (Head of Gas Business in Europe, Tradition Ltd)
Luigi Michi (Executive Vice President, Energy Management Business Area, ENEL SpA)
Yves Vercammen (Managing Director, Eni Trading and Shipping)
Pierre Vergerio (Executive Vice President Gas Midstream Energy Management & Optimization, Edison SpA)
Albrecht Wagner (Managing Director Wagner, Elbling & Company Management Advisors)
12.25 | Closing remarks |
| Guido Bortoni (President, Autorità per l'Energia Elettrica e il Gas) |
Annual Report 2012
Rome - 25/06/2013
Presentation of GME's Annual Report 2012

Gestore dei Mercati Energetici S.p.A. (GME) presented its Annual Report 2012, on 10 July 2013, at 10:00 attended by leading figures in the energy sector.
Ore 09:30 | Registration and welcome coffee |
Ore 10:00 | Opening remarks Massimo Ricci (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, GME) |
Ore 10:05 | Presentation of GME’s Annual Report 2012 Cosimo Campidoglio (Director - Research, Development and Market Monitoring, GME) |
Ore 10:40 | Competitiveness, infrastructure and new European rules Sergio Ascari (Consultant, REF-E) |
ore 11.00 | The Italian market seen from Europe Patrick Heather (Independent Consultant & Senior Research Fellow, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies PHCL) |
Round Table The gas market: Italian, European or global?
Chairman: Arnaldo Orlandini (CEO, AF Mercados EMI EUROPE)
Stuart Jones (Head of Gas Business in Europe, Tradition Ltd)
Luigi Michi (Executive Vice President, Energy Management Business Area, ENEL SpA)
Yves Vercammen (Managing Director, Eni Trading and Shipping)
Pierre Vergerio (Executive Vice President Gas Midstream Energy Management & Optimization, Edison SpA)
Albrecht Wagner (Managing Director Wagner, Elbling & Company Management Advisors)
12.25 | Closing remarks |
| Guido Bortoni (President, Autorità per l'Energia Elettrica e il Gas) |
Annual Report 2012
Rome - 25/06/2013
Presentation of GME's Annual Report 2012

Gestore dei Mercati Energetici S.p.A. (GME) presented its Annual Report 2012, on 10 July 2013, at 10:00 attended by leading figures in the energy sector.
Ore 09:30 | Registration and welcome coffee |
Ore 10:00 | Opening remarks Massimo Ricci (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, GME) |
Ore 10:05 | Presentation of GME’s Annual Report 2012 Cosimo Campidoglio (Director - Research, Development and Market Monitoring, GME) |
Ore 10:40 | Competitiveness, infrastructure and new European rules Sergio Ascari (Consultant, REF-E) |
ore 11.00 | The Italian market seen from Europe Patrick Heather (Independent Consultant & Senior Research Fellow, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies PHCL) |
Round Table The gas market: Italian, European or global?
Chairman: Arnaldo Orlandini (CEO, AF Mercados EMI EUROPE)
Stuart Jones (Head of Gas Business in Europe, Tradition Ltd)
Luigi Michi (Executive Vice President, Energy Management Business Area, ENEL SpA)
Yves Vercammen (Managing Director, Eni Trading and Shipping)
Pierre Vergerio (Executive Vice President Gas Midstream Energy Management & Optimization, Edison SpA)
Albrecht Wagner (Managing Director Wagner, Elbling & Company Management Advisors)
12.25 | Closing remarks |
| Guido Bortoni (President, Autorità per l'Energia Elettrica e il Gas) |
Annual Report 2012
Rome - 25/06/2013
Presentation of GME's Annual Report 2012

Gestore dei Mercati Energetici S.p.A. (GME) presented its Annual Report 2012, on 10 July 2013, at 10:00 attended by leading figures in the energy sector.
Ore 09:30 | Registration and welcome coffee |
Ore 10:00 | Opening remarks Massimo Ricci (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, GME) |
Ore 10:05 | Presentation of GME’s Annual Report 2012 Cosimo Campidoglio (Director - Research, Development and Market Monitoring, GME) |
Ore 10:40 | Competitiveness, infrastructure and new European rules Sergio Ascari (Consultant, REF-E) |
ore 11.00 | The Italian market seen from Europe Patrick Heather (Independent Consultant & Senior Research Fellow, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies PHCL) |
Round Table The gas market: Italian, European or global?
Chairman: Arnaldo Orlandini (CEO, AF Mercados EMI EUROPE)
Stuart Jones (Head of Gas Business in Europe, Tradition Ltd)
Luigi Michi (Executive Vice President, Energy Management Business Area, ENEL SpA)
Yves Vercammen (Managing Director, Eni Trading and Shipping)
Pierre Vergerio (Executive Vice President Gas Midstream Energy Management & Optimization, Edison SpA)
Albrecht Wagner (Managing Director Wagner, Elbling & Company Management Advisors)
12.25 | Closing remarks |
| Guido Bortoni (President, Autorità per l'Energia Elettrica e il Gas) |
Annual Report 2012
Rome - 25/06/2013
Presentation of GME's Annual Report 2012

Gestore dei Mercati Energetici S.p.A. (GME) presented its Annual Report 2012, on 10 July 2013, at 10:00 attended by leading figures in the energy sector.
Ore 09:30 | Registration and welcome coffee |
Ore 10:00 | Opening remarks Massimo Ricci (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, GME) |
Ore 10:05 | Presentation of GME’s Annual Report 2012 Cosimo Campidoglio (Director - Research, Development and Market Monitoring, GME) |
Ore 10:40 | Competitiveness, infrastructure and new European rules Sergio Ascari (Consultant, REF-E) |
ore 11.00 | The Italian market seen from Europe Patrick Heather (Independent Consultant & Senior Research Fellow, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies PHCL) |
Round Table The gas market: Italian, European or global?
Chairman: Arnaldo Orlandini (CEO, AF Mercados EMI EUROPE)
Stuart Jones (Head of Gas Business in Europe, Tradition Ltd)
Luigi Michi (Executive Vice President, Energy Management Business Area, ENEL SpA)
Yves Vercammen (Managing Director, Eni Trading and Shipping)
Pierre Vergerio (Executive Vice President Gas Midstream Energy Management & Optimization, Edison SpA)
Albrecht Wagner (Managing Director Wagner, Elbling & Company Management Advisors)
12.25 | Closing remarks |
| Guido Bortoni (President, Autorità per l'Energia Elettrica e il Gas) |
Annual Report 2012
Meeting with operators: Gas forward market (MT-GAS)
Milano - 06/06/2013
Meeting with operators: Gas forward market (MT-GAS)
GME, in anticipation of the launching of the gas forward market (MT-GAS) - provided for by the existing regulatory framework - organized a meeting with the purpose of illustrating the organization and operation of the new gas market and the characteristics of the e-trading platform.
Snam Rete Gas will intervene to illustrate the new terms of sale and exchange of natural gas at the Virtual Trading Point and the relevant amendments to the Grid Code.
The meeting will be held in Milan on June 18, 2013, at Palazzo delle Stelline (Corso Magenta, 61) Agenda of the meeting:
Ore 10.00 | Registration of participants and welcome coffee |
Ore 10.30 | Opening of the session (GME/SNAM) |
Ore 10.45 | Legislative framework and how to participate |
Ore 11.00 | Market structure and functioning |
Ore 11.30 | Terms for the transfer and trading of natural Gas at the Virtual Trading Point and the Grid Code |
Ore 12.00 | System of guarantees of the market |
Ore 12.30 | Invoicing and settlement of payments of the market |
Ore 12.45 | Operational modalities-demo |
Ore 13.00 | Question Time |
Milano - 06/06/2013
Meeting with operators: Gas forward market (MT-GAS)
GME, in anticipation of the launching of the gas forward market (MT-GAS) - provided for by the existing regulatory framework - organized a meeting with the purpose of illustrating the organization and operation of the new gas market and the characteristics of the e-trading platform.
Snam Rete Gas will intervene to illustrate the new terms of sale and exchange of natural gas at the Virtual Trading Point and the relevant amendments to the Grid Code.
The meeting will be held in Milan on June 18, 2013, at Palazzo delle Stelline (Corso Magenta, 61) Agenda of the meeting:
Ore 10.00 | Registration of participants and welcome coffee |
Ore 10.30 | Opening of the session (GME/SNAM) |
Ore 10.45 | Legislative framework and how to participate |
Ore 11.00 | Market structure and functioning |
Ore 11.30 | Terms for the transfer and trading of natural Gas at the Virtual Trading Point and the Grid Code |
Ore 12.00 | System of guarantees of the market |
Ore 12.30 | Invoicing and settlement of payments of the market |
Ore 12.45 | Operational modalities-demo |
Ore 13.00 | Question Time |
Milano - 06/06/2013
Meeting with operators: Gas forward market (MT-GAS)
GME, in anticipation of the launching of the gas forward market (MT-GAS) - provided for by the existing regulatory framework - organized a meeting with the purpose of illustrating the organization and operation of the new gas market and the characteristics of the e-trading platform.
Snam Rete Gas will intervene to illustrate the new terms of sale and exchange of natural gas at the Virtual Trading Point and the relevant amendments to the Grid Code.
The meeting will be held in Milan on June 18, 2013, at Palazzo delle Stelline (Corso Magenta, 61) Agenda of the meeting:
Ore 10.00 | Registration of participants and welcome coffee |
Ore 10.30 | Opening of the session (GME/SNAM) |
Ore 10.45 | Legislative framework and how to participate |
Ore 11.00 | Market structure and functioning |
Ore 11.30 | Terms for the transfer and trading of natural Gas at the Virtual Trading Point and the Grid Code |
Ore 12.00 | System of guarantees of the market |
Ore 12.30 | Invoicing and settlement of payments of the market |
Ore 12.45 | Operational modalities-demo |
Ore 13.00 | Question Time |
Milano - 06/06/2013
Meeting with operators: Gas forward market (MT-GAS)
GME, in anticipation of the launching of the gas forward market (MT-GAS) - provided for by the existing regulatory framework - organized a meeting with the purpose of illustrating the organization and operation of the new gas market and the characteristics of the e-trading platform.
Snam Rete Gas will intervene to illustrate the new terms of sale and exchange of natural gas at the Virtual Trading Point and the relevant amendments to the Grid Code.
The meeting will be held in Milan on June 18, 2013, at Palazzo delle Stelline (Corso Magenta, 61) Agenda of the meeting:
Ore 10.00 | Registration of participants and welcome coffee |
Ore 10.30 | Opening of the session (GME/SNAM) |
Ore 10.45 | Legislative framework and how to participate |
Ore 11.00 | Market structure and functioning |
Ore 11.30 | Terms for the transfer and trading of natural Gas at the Virtual Trading Point and the Grid Code |
Ore 12.00 | System of guarantees of the market |
Ore 12.30 | Invoicing and settlement of payments of the market |
Ore 12.45 | Operational modalities-demo |
Ore 13.00 | Question Time |
Milano - 06/06/2013
Meeting with operators: Gas forward market (MT-GAS)
GME, in anticipation of the launching of the gas forward market (MT-GAS) - provided for by the existing regulatory framework - organized a meeting with the purpose of illustrating the organization and operation of the new gas market and the characteristics of the e-trading platform.
Snam Rete Gas will intervene to illustrate the new terms of sale and exchange of natural gas at the Virtual Trading Point and the relevant amendments to the Grid Code.
The meeting will be held in Milan on June 18, 2013, at Palazzo delle Stelline (Corso Magenta, 61) Agenda of the meeting:
Ore 10.00 | Registration of participants and welcome coffee |
Ore 10.30 | Opening of the session (GME/SNAM) |
Ore 10.45 | Legislative framework and how to participate |
Ore 11.00 | Market structure and functioning |
Ore 11.30 | Terms for the transfer and trading of natural Gas at the Virtual Trading Point and the Grid Code |
Ore 12.00 | System of guarantees of the market |
Ore 12.30 | Invoicing and settlement of payments of the market |
Ore 12.45 | Operational modalities-demo |
Ore 13.00 | Question Time |
Milano - 06/06/2013
Meeting with operators: Gas forward market (MT-GAS)
GME, in anticipation of the launching of the gas forward market (MT-GAS) - provided for by the existing regulatory framework - organized a meeting with the purpose of illustrating the organization and operation of the new gas market and the characteristics of the e-trading platform.
Snam Rete Gas will intervene to illustrate the new terms of sale and exchange of natural gas at the Virtual Trading Point and the relevant amendments to the Grid Code.
The meeting will be held in Milan on June 18, 2013, at Palazzo delle Stelline (Corso Magenta, 61) Agenda of the meeting:
Ore 10.00 | Registration of participants and welcome coffee |
Ore 10.30 | Opening of the session (GME/SNAM) |
Ore 10.45 | Legislative framework and how to participate |
Ore 11.00 | Market structure and functioning |
Ore 11.30 | Terms for the transfer and trading of natural Gas at the Virtual Trading Point and the Grid Code |
Ore 12.00 | System of guarantees of the market |
Ore 12.30 | Invoicing and settlement of payments of the market |
Ore 12.45 | Operational modalities-demo |
Ore 13.00 | Question Time |
Presentation of GME’s Annual Report 2011
Rome - 26/06/2012
Presentation of GME’s Annual Report 2011
11 July 2012
Sala Capranica
Piazza Capranica, 101
Gestore dei Mercati Energetici S.p.A. (GME) presented its Annual Report 2011 followed by a Round Table on “Market transparency and integrity: the REMIT Regulation and its impacts on market participants”, attended by leading figures of the electricity sector, with the following pfrogramme:
Ore 09:30 | Registration and welcome coffee |
Ore 10:00 | Opening of the event Massimo Guarini (CEO, GME) |
Ore 10:05 | Presentation of GME’s Annual Report Cosimo Campidoglio (Director, Research, Development and Market Monitoring, GME) |
Ore 10:40 | Market transparency and integrity: the REMIT Regulation and its impacts on market participants Jean-Michel Glachant (Florence School of Regulation – EUI, Italy) |
Market transparency and integrity: the REMIT Regulation and its impacts on market participants
Chairman: Jean-Michel Glachant (Florence School of Regulation – EUI, Italia)
Round Table
11.05 | Prohibitions, constraints and opportunities for market participants. What remains to be done? Tadhg O’Briain (European Commission) |
11.15 | The role of NRA’s in REMIT, challenges and opportunities Geoff Boon (CEER) |
11.25 | May common market practices amount to market abuse under REMIT? Lorenzo Parola (Grimaldi Law Firm) |
11.35 | Looking across the borders: the perspective of a German market player Karl-Peter Horstmann (Efet and RWE) |
11.45 | REMIT in the Italian Energy Market Antonio Livrieri (Assoelettrica) |
11.55 | REMIT in the Italian Energy Market Paolo Luca Ghislandi (AIGET) |
12.05 | Q&A |
12.35 | Conclusions of the Round Table Guido Bortoni (Autorità per l’Energia elettrica e il gas) |
Annual Report 2011
View the photos
Rome - 26/06/2012
Presentation of GME’s Annual Report 2011
11 July 2012
Sala Capranica
Piazza Capranica, 101
Gestore dei Mercati Energetici S.p.A. (GME) presented its Annual Report 2011 followed by a Round Table on “Market transparency and integrity: the REMIT Regulation and its impacts on market participants”, attended by leading figures of the electricity sector, with the following pfrogramme:
Ore 09:30 | Registration and welcome coffee |
Ore 10:00 | Opening of the event Massimo Guarini (CEO, GME) |
Ore 10:05 | Presentation of GME’s Annual Report Cosimo Campidoglio (Director, Research, Development and Market Monitoring, GME) |
Ore 10:40 | Market transparency and integrity: the REMIT Regulation and its impacts on market participants Jean-Michel Glachant (Florence School of Regulation – EUI, Italy) |
Market transparency and integrity: the REMIT Regulation and its impacts on market participants
Chairman: Jean-Michel Glachant (Florence School of Regulation – EUI, Italia)
Round Table
11.05 | Prohibitions, constraints and opportunities for market participants. What remains to be done? Tadhg O’Briain (European Commission) |
11.15 | The role of NRA’s in REMIT, challenges and opportunities Geoff Boon (CEER) |
11.25 | May common market practices amount to market abuse under REMIT? Lorenzo Parola (Grimaldi Law Firm) |
11.35 | Looking across the borders: the perspective of a German market player Karl-Peter Horstmann (Efet and RWE) |
11.45 | REMIT in the Italian Energy Market Antonio Livrieri (Assoelettrica) |
11.55 | REMIT in the Italian Energy Market Paolo Luca Ghislandi (AIGET) |
12.05 | Q&A |
12.35 | Conclusions of the Round Table Guido Bortoni (Autorità per l’Energia elettrica e il gas) |
Annual Report 2011
View the photos
Rome - 26/06/2012
Presentation of GME’s Annual Report 2011
11 July 2012
Sala Capranica
Piazza Capranica, 101
Gestore dei Mercati Energetici S.p.A. (GME) presented its Annual Report 2011 followed by a Round Table on “Market transparency and integrity: the REMIT Regulation and its impacts on market participants”, attended by leading figures of the electricity sector, with the following pfrogramme:
Ore 09:30 | Registration and welcome coffee |
Ore 10:00 | Opening of the event Massimo Guarini (CEO, GME) |
Ore 10:05 | Presentation of GME’s Annual Report Cosimo Campidoglio (Director, Research, Development and Market Monitoring, GME) |
Ore 10:40 | Market transparency and integrity: the REMIT Regulation and its impacts on market participants Jean-Michel Glachant (Florence School of Regulation – EUI, Italy) |
Market transparency and integrity: the REMIT Regulation and its impacts on market participants
Chairman: Jean-Michel Glachant (Florence School of Regulation – EUI, Italia)
Round Table
11.05 | Prohibitions, constraints and opportunities for market participants. What remains to be done? Tadhg O’Briain (European Commission) |
11.15 | The role of NRA’s in REMIT, challenges and opportunities Geoff Boon (CEER) |
11.25 | May common market practices amount to market abuse under REMIT? Lorenzo Parola (Grimaldi Law Firm) |
11.35 | Looking across the borders: the perspective of a German market player Karl-Peter Horstmann (Efet and RWE) |
11.45 | REMIT in the Italian Energy Market Antonio Livrieri (Assoelettrica) |
11.55 | REMIT in the Italian Energy Market Paolo Luca Ghislandi (AIGET) |
12.05 | Q&A |
12.35 | Conclusions of the Round Table Guido Bortoni (Autorità per l’Energia elettrica e il gas) |
Annual Report 2011
View the photos
Rome - 26/06/2012
Presentation of GME’s Annual Report 2011
11 July 2012
Sala Capranica
Piazza Capranica, 101
Gestore dei Mercati Energetici S.p.A. (GME) presented its Annual Report 2011 followed by a Round Table on “Market transparency and integrity: the REMIT Regulation and its impacts on market participants”, attended by leading figures of the electricity sector, with the following pfrogramme:
Ore 09:30 | Registration and welcome coffee |
Ore 10:00 | Opening of the event Massimo Guarini (CEO, GME) |
Ore 10:05 | Presentation of GME’s Annual Report Cosimo Campidoglio (Director, Research, Development and Market Monitoring, GME) |
Ore 10:40 | Market transparency and integrity: the REMIT Regulation and its impacts on market participants Jean-Michel Glachant (Florence School of Regulation – EUI, Italy) |
Market transparency and integrity: the REMIT Regulation and its impacts on market participants
Chairman: Jean-Michel Glachant (Florence School of Regulation – EUI, Italia)
Round Table
11.05 | Prohibitions, constraints and opportunities for market participants. What remains to be done? Tadhg O’Briain (European Commission) |
11.15 | The role of NRA’s in REMIT, challenges and opportunities Geoff Boon (CEER) |
11.25 | May common market practices amount to market abuse under REMIT? Lorenzo Parola (Grimaldi Law Firm) |
11.35 | Looking across the borders: the perspective of a German market player Karl-Peter Horstmann (Efet and RWE) |
11.45 | REMIT in the Italian Energy Market Antonio Livrieri (Assoelettrica) |
11.55 | REMIT in the Italian Energy Market Paolo Luca Ghislandi (AIGET) |
12.05 | Q&A |
12.35 | Conclusions of the Round Table Guido Bortoni (Autorità per l’Energia elettrica e il gas) |
Annual Report 2011
View the photos
Rome - 26/06/2012
Presentation of GME’s Annual Report 2011
11 July 2012
Sala Capranica
Piazza Capranica, 101
Gestore dei Mercati Energetici S.p.A. (GME) presented its Annual Report 2011 followed by a Round Table on “Market transparency and integrity: the REMIT Regulation and its impacts on market participants”, attended by leading figures of the electricity sector, with the following pfrogramme:
Ore 09:30 | Registration and welcome coffee |
Ore 10:00 | Opening of the event Massimo Guarini (CEO, GME) |
Ore 10:05 | Presentation of GME’s Annual Report Cosimo Campidoglio (Director, Research, Development and Market Monitoring, GME) |
Ore 10:40 | Market transparency and integrity: the REMIT Regulation and its impacts on market participants Jean-Michel Glachant (Florence School of Regulation – EUI, Italy) |
Market transparency and integrity: the REMIT Regulation and its impacts on market participants
Chairman: Jean-Michel Glachant (Florence School of Regulation – EUI, Italia)
Round Table
11.05 | Prohibitions, constraints and opportunities for market participants. What remains to be done? Tadhg O’Briain (European Commission) |
11.15 | The role of NRA’s in REMIT, challenges and opportunities Geoff Boon (CEER) |
11.25 | May common market practices amount to market abuse under REMIT? Lorenzo Parola (Grimaldi Law Firm) |
11.35 | Looking across the borders: the perspective of a German market player Karl-Peter Horstmann (Efet and RWE) |
11.45 | REMIT in the Italian Energy Market Antonio Livrieri (Assoelettrica) |
11.55 | REMIT in the Italian Energy Market Paolo Luca Ghislandi (AIGET) |
12.05 | Q&A |
12.35 | Conclusions of the Round Table Guido Bortoni (Autorità per l’Energia elettrica e il gas) |
Annual Report 2011
View the photos
Rome - 26/06/2012
Presentation of GME’s Annual Report 2011
11 July 2012
Sala Capranica
Piazza Capranica, 101
Gestore dei Mercati Energetici S.p.A. (GME) presented its Annual Report 2011 followed by a Round Table on “Market transparency and integrity: the REMIT Regulation and its impacts on market participants”, attended by leading figures of the electricity sector, with the following pfrogramme:
Ore 09:30 | Registration and welcome coffee |
Ore 10:00 | Opening of the event Massimo Guarini (CEO, GME) |
Ore 10:05 | Presentation of GME’s Annual Report Cosimo Campidoglio (Director, Research, Development and Market Monitoring, GME) |
Ore 10:40 | Market transparency and integrity: the REMIT Regulation and its impacts on market participants Jean-Michel Glachant (Florence School of Regulation – EUI, Italy) |
Market transparency and integrity: the REMIT Regulation and its impacts on market participants
Chairman: Jean-Michel Glachant (Florence School of Regulation – EUI, Italia)
Round Table
11.05 | Prohibitions, constraints and opportunities for market participants. What remains to be done? Tadhg O’Briain (European Commission) |
11.15 | The role of NRA’s in REMIT, challenges and opportunities Geoff Boon (CEER) |
11.25 | May common market practices amount to market abuse under REMIT? Lorenzo Parola (Grimaldi Law Firm) |
11.35 | Looking across the borders: the perspective of a German market player Karl-Peter Horstmann (Efet and RWE) |
11.45 | REMIT in the Italian Energy Market Antonio Livrieri (Assoelettrica) |
11.55 | REMIT in the Italian Energy Market Paolo Luca Ghislandi (AIGET) |
12.05 | Q&A |
12.35 | Conclusions of the Round Table Guido Bortoni (Autorità per l’Energia elettrica e il gas) |
Annual Report 2011
View the photos
Rome - 26/06/2012
Presentation of GME’s Annual Report 2011
11 July 2012
Sala Capranica
Piazza Capranica, 101
Gestore dei Mercati Energetici S.p.A. (GME) presented its Annual Report 2011 followed by a Round Table on “Market transparency and integrity: the REMIT Regulation and its impacts on market participants”, attended by leading figures of the electricity sector, with the following pfrogramme:
Ore 09:30 | Registration and welcome coffee |
Ore 10:00 | Opening of the event Massimo Guarini (CEO, GME) |
Ore 10:05 | Presentation of GME’s Annual Report Cosimo Campidoglio (Director, Research, Development and Market Monitoring, GME) |
Ore 10:40 | Market transparency and integrity: the REMIT Regulation and its impacts on market participants Jean-Michel Glachant (Florence School of Regulation – EUI, Italy) |
Market transparency and integrity: the REMIT Regulation and its impacts on market participants
Chairman: Jean-Michel Glachant (Florence School of Regulation – EUI, Italia)
Round Table
11.05 | Prohibitions, constraints and opportunities for market participants. What remains to be done? Tadhg O’Briain (European Commission) |
11.15 | The role of NRA’s in REMIT, challenges and opportunities Geoff Boon (CEER) |
11.25 | May common market practices amount to market abuse under REMIT? Lorenzo Parola (Grimaldi Law Firm) |
11.35 | Looking across the borders: the perspective of a German market player Karl-Peter Horstmann (Efet and RWE) |
11.45 | REMIT in the Italian Energy Market Antonio Livrieri (Assoelettrica) |
11.55 | REMIT in the Italian Energy Market Paolo Luca Ghislandi (AIGET) |
12.05 | Q&A |
12.35 | Conclusions of the Round Table Guido Bortoni (Autorità per l’Energia elettrica e il gas) |
Annual Report 2011
View the photos